
  • Seven Deadly Sins Audio Book Free Download
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 17. 23:41

    'I was 22 years old, a hard-on with a pulse: wretched vice-ridden, too much to burn and not enough minutes in a hour to do so. 1995 was a full 365-day year of drinking, fucking, lying, raging and exploration for me - not a dull one in the bunch. It was a time of self-shit: self-importance, self-absorption, self-indulgence and selfishness. I was the only person in the known galaxy and I wanted what the fuck I wanted sooner rather than later.' The action begins in West Des Moines, Iowa, where Corey Taylor, frontman of Slipknot and Stone Sour, systematically set about committing each of the Seven Deadly Sins.

    He has picked fights with douche bags openly brandishing guns. He has set himself on fire at parties and woken up in dumpsters after cocaine binges.

    He lost his virginity at eleven. He got rich and famous and immersed himself in booze, women, and chaos until one day he realised, suddenly, that he didn't need any of that at all.Candid. Seven Deadly Sins is a brutally honest look at 'a life that could have gone horribly wrong at any turn', and the soul-searching and self-discovery it took to set it right. Donec in tortor in lectus iaculis vulputate. Sed aliquam, urna ut sollicitudin molestie, lacus justo aliquam mauris, interdum aliquam sapien nisi cursus mauris. Nunc hendrerit tortor vitae est placerat ut varius erat posuere.

    Duis ut nisl in mi eleifend faucibus egestas aliquet arcu. Nam id enim sapien.

    Nam interdum justo eget nisi pulvinar et condimentum orci bibendum. Integer elementum tempor libero sit amet iaculis. Donec scelerisque, urna id tincidunt ultrices, nisi nisl lacinia mi, at pellentesque enim mi eu felis. Nullam malesuada egestas tincidunt. Pellentesque nec risus dui. Fusce sed nibh eu odio posuere semper. Etiam pulvinar, mi et molestie vestibulum, neque tellus pulvinar massa, vel varius nulla tellus at tortor.


    Seven Deadly Sins Free Download

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