
  • Pygame Tile Tutorial
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 26. 07:42

    Welcome to!Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games.Pygame adds functionality on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language.Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system. Posting GuidelinesDespite the name, content related to other Python game libraries (pyglet, panda3d, etc.) is also welcome.If asking for help with your code, please provide a link to the entire code and resources if possible.

    Consider making a account if you don't have one already. How to Post CodeIn Python indentation is part of the language syntax and as such is extremely important.When posting code every line must be indented an additional four spaces. You can indent the code in a text editor before pasting, or after pasting into reddit, highlight the text and press the editor button that looks like this.You can also place small amounts of code inline by surrounding it with ticks: `like this`If you have a large amount of code to share it would be best use a third party site for posting code.

    Is a really good choice. For code that relies on external resources like images please create a repo on or similar.

    Pygame Tutorial

    Posting LinksWhen posting links please provide a brief description in the comments of the thread. Failure to do so may result in post removal. InstallationInstallation notes for Microsoft Windows usersIt is easier to install python32 and pygame32 even if you are running a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows. Useful links.Related Subreddits. I am writing a game thats a clone of one of my favorite games of all metal gear. Right now i'm just trying to get the hang of tile mapping.

    I'm using richard jones tmx library. The reason for that is that it handles scrolling for you and seems relatively simple. The problem I'm having is collision. Here is the code for the collision def update(self,dt, game):for cell in config.tilemap.layers'triggers'.collide(self.rect, 'wall'):print cellif self.rect.right = cell.right:self.rect.left = cell.rightprint 'hit'if self.rect.bottom = cell.bottom:self.rect.top = cell.bottomprint 'hit'this should stop the player from passing through the wall but i does not and it only prints hit if the player is slightly touching the wall. I'm not really sure why its doing this.

    Any help would be appreciated. The rest of the code can be found herethis is the most current version of my code but it may change after this post is made. Do to me just experimenting and trying to fix it. Try giving Snake a direction='None' and a movespeed=3 attribute.


    Pygame Tutorial Pdf

    The indentation was a little off but i fixed it.

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